Web Projects Consulting

ioncube Encoder Protects Your PHP Code

With the growing number of “employers” trying to trick you out in all possible ways, a freelancer needs a tool to protect his/her work from being stolen. ioncube Encoder is one of the competable tools available on the commercial market to help you with this.

ioncube Encoder


What it is generally:

  • A computer program which converts a file containing php code into an unreadable byte stream, versions available for Windows (with GUI) and Linux (command line, server-installable)

What it can do:

  • encode php files without a possibility to convert them back
  • obfuscate php code
  • encode for special server environment (IP, domain, etc)
  • being installed to server, generate licenses for your php applications on the fly to allow e-commerce

Who needs it:

  • php developers to protect the code produced
  • site owners to protect site engines from being stolen and installed on other sites

How much it costs:

  • from around 200 to around 400 for a single installation, discounts available for different configurations
  • considerably cheaper than other commercial encoders
  • if you cannot afford it, you work is not worth of being encoded 😉


  • Zend encoder from Zend packages (comparison in one of the following posts in this series)

Product experience 5 oft of 5. ~ Excellent!
Shopping experience 4.5 out of 5. ~ Almost excellent!

Other questions you might ask:

  • yes, it has considerably better compression and production benchmarks than other commercial and freeware encoders
  • yes, encoding with ioncube is one-way only, and no sane decoding is possible
  • yes, it has M$ Windows GUI and has no Linux GUI
  • yes, it runs from Linux command line and may be involved from Linux command line in real time
  • yes, you might limit scripts to running on dedicated MAC, IP or host name (special version required)
  • yes, I will write more information, tutorials and howto-es on its features and usage in my blog, just stay tuned
  • yes, please ask your questions, I will surely answer them if I know the answer

Php script before encoding

Php script before encoding

Buy ioncube encoder with my referral link to support this site

Php script encoded with ioncube

Php script encoded with ioncube

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