A friend of mine had a problem with incorrect display of the Russian fonts with Googleearth installed to the default location at /opt/googleearth.
ttc-wordpress-security-plugin Gets You into a Loop Redirect
After upgrading to a WordPress version 2.9.+, the ttc-wordpress-security-plugin gets you into an infinite loop redirect and you cannot load a single page of your site. Just remove the plugin from the /wp-content/plugins/ folder with (s)ftp and everything is back.
xvidcap in Fedora 11 (Error accessing sound input from /dev/dsp)
When you need to capture something from your screen, there is a great program which does the job for you, xvidcap.
Fixing Skype which Accidentally Stops Working in Fedora
I was updating something today and I noticed that skype could not sign in any more showing accidental crashes after I entered the password.