I was updating something today and I noticed that skype could not sign in any more showing accidental crashes after I entered the password.
Preparing for Fedora 11 – MySQL Database-per-file Dump
Yes, yes, man, I am still NOT on Fedora 11… Because I know how newly-out distributions of Fedora tend to behave on my hardware (which is never really brand-pathetic but effective in the terms of gigahertzes and terabytes). I have…
SD, MMC Cards not Working or Work Too Slow
The solution works for SD card:
Zend Studio not Working in Fedora
This annoyance has a long history and is really funny because the same stuff is cured with different methods in different Fedora distributions. In the same time, stuff from Zend is heavily non-free, and I personally dislike the approach of…
MySQL latin1 Content Upgrade to an UTF-8 Database
The below is pretty useful if you have some databases in other than UTF-8 charset and simply importing dumps does not help.
Add More Swap Space to Linux
Sometimes it is necessary to add more swap space after installation. For example, you may upgrade the amount of RAM in your system from 64 MB to 128 MB, but there is only 128 MB of swap space. It might…