Setting up the working xdebug on a virtual guest is the same as setting up the debug for the remote server.
[Upgrade] Netbeans PHP IDE 7.0 in Fedora Linux
Netbeans 7.0 is out. New features (in PHP edition):
[Upgrade] Netbeans PHP IDE 6.9
The newer version of Netbeans is just out. Upgrade is easy and seamless.
KDevelop PHP IDE 4.0 in Fedora 12
I have caught on the internet today that Kdevelop IDE of version 4 is newly out.
[Solved] Netbeans Running Very Slow or Hang
It happened once or twice that when I was opening many files and projects simultaneously the Netbeans IDE started to become irresponsive.
Making Netbeans PHP IDE 6.8 work for Fedora 12
The yum repos for Fedora 12 contain some older version of Netbeans that fail to load out of the box. Moreover, php development is non-existent in the parallel universe of people who create repos for Fedora 12, and we have…