I have caught on the internet today that Kdevelop IDE of version 4 is newly out.
[Solved] Unable to Login to Runlevel 3 in Fedora 12
Problem: cannot catch grub configuration to customize during boot time. Grub seems to skip the configuration choice.
Clementine-Player Update
Clementine-player update available at http://code.google.com/p/clementine-player/downloads/list
[Solved] Netbeans Running Very Slow or Hang
It happened once or twice that when I was opening many files and projects simultaneously the Netbeans IDE started to become irresponsive.
Cinelerra and Openshot, Non-Linear Video Editors in Fedora 12
If you install cinelerra from atrpms it will be quite incompatible with your other repos and may cause conflicts to your installed packages. This time, we rebuild an older package from freshrpms.net site.