Valid for Fedora 9:
Fax and Faxing in Linux
You will obviously need a modem, in most cases you laptop’s internal software modem will not work, so get an external one. Become root: su – Install the necessary fax software: yum install efax Prepare: chmod 0666 /dev/ttyS0 chmod 777…
True type fonts in Linux
Installing true type fonts for system-wide use in Gnome, KDE, etc.: Become root: su – As root, create the fonts directory: mkdir /usr/share/fonts/ttf Copy the font files in, cd into the fonts directory: cp [fontfiles] /usr/share/fonts/ttf cd /usr/share/fonts/ttf Make fonts.dir:…
Numlock / numpad not working in Gnome / KDE
You accidentally pressed <CTRL><SHIFT><NUMLOCK> and did not notice it. Press it again (you should hear a BEEP). If it does not work, try these solutions.
Hello world!
This is obviously the first record, so I decided I will not delete it for historical purposes (unlike the first wordpress-supplied comment). Everybody is welcome to my blog.