Yes, yes, man, I am still NOT on Fedora 11… Because I know how newly-out distributions of Fedora tend to behave on my hardware (which is never really brand-pathetic but effective in the terms of gigahertzes and terabytes). I have…
MySQL Workbench GUI on Fedora 10 x86_64
Sometimes you feel romantic and want to get something else than phpMyAdmin to communicate to MySQL. Download mysql-workbench-oss-5.2.1-1fc10.src.rpm from one of the mirrors picked up here:
MySQL latin1 Content Upgrade to an UTF-8 Database
The below is pretty useful if you have some databases in other than UTF-8 charset and simply importing dumps does not help.
Quick Backup of MySQL Database
One-line shortcut to dump to a compressed file: Dump with stored procedures
Securing MySQL after Installation
If you just installed Linux or, separately, MySQL server, you need to undertake some simple routines to make it a little more secure. The below will set a password for a superuser account, remove anonymous user account and do some…