Fedora starts to be to a little bit awkward with the new releases together with the Linux kernel becoming fat and piling up new and old errors. There are several issues I have noticed after a clean install and initial…
gtkpod not working in Fedora 17 [SOLVED]
After the upgrade to Fedora 17, I have discovered that gtkpod would crash on adding folders.
[Solved] Skype Crash Override on Fedora 15 (x86_64)
Working with Microsoft Skype on Fedora 15 is a bad experience. I was experiencing system freezes at random when trying to use Skype on my laptop.
Building phantomjs on Fedora 14
PhantomJS is an headless browser based on an embedded webkit, suitable for testing of web applications involving JavaScript usage where simpler tools do not cut it.
Problem Playing mp3-Encoded Files From Goldendict
When porting goldendict dictionary bases from my working laptop with Fedora 14 to a EeePC with Fedora 15, I have discovered that the sound files included with several dictionaries do not play at all.
Make EeePc Internal Microphone Work for Skype in Fedora 15
As it has unpleasantly appeared, Fedora 15 is not very friendly to ASUS EeePC sound hardware (the same problem is discovered for both 1001PXD and 1001HA). The internal microphone is not recognized and does not want to work. However, there…