YUM is the default package manager provided with most RPM distros, especially Fedora and Redhat based distros. It is similar to APT of the Debian based distros. Admittedly, it is not the best package manager in term of performance, I…
Securing MySQL after Installation
If you just installed Linux or, separately, MySQL server, you need to undertake some simple routines to make it a little more secure. The below will set a password for a superuser account, remove anonymous user account and do some…
True type fonts in Linux
Installing true type fonts for system-wide use in Gnome, KDE, etc.: Become root: su – As root, create the fonts directory: mkdir /usr/share/fonts/ttf Copy the font files in, cd into the fonts directory: cp [fontfiles] /usr/share/fonts/ttf cd /usr/share/fonts/ttf Make fonts.dir:…
Dependencies of ffmpeg
Once in a blue moon I decide to compile ffmeg from sources. Ffmpeg depends on (borrowed from this site): libogg libvorbis libvorbisenc libvorbisfile libamrnb libamrwb libgsm libtheora lame libtheoradec libtheoraenc libxvidcore libx264 libnut liba52 mplayer codecs at /usr/lib/codecs , /usr/local/lib/codecs…
Backup and Restore Evolution Data
Backup gconftool-2 –shutdown evolution –force-shutdown cd tar -cvzf evolution-backup.tar.gz .evolution .gconf/apps/evolution .gnome2_private/Evolution