This annoyance has a long history and is really funny because the same stuff is cured with different methods in different Fedora distributions. In the same time, stuff from Zend is heavily non-free, and I personally dislike the approach of…
MySQL latin1 Content Upgrade to an UTF-8 Database
The below is pretty useful if you have some databases in other than UTF-8 charset and simply importing dumps does not help.
Creating an ISO image from command line
Creating an ISO Image Here are a couple of different commands for creating an ISO image:
Create DVD MPEG file from AVI with Mencoder
The below are two single-line commands to encode a high quality mpeg file ready for writing to a DVD disk.
Multiplex Audio and Video Streams
The below joins audio and video streams into one MPEG1 or 2 file.
Convert Folder with flac Files to mp3
Sometimes you get all that music in flac format which is not understandable by hardware players, so you need the mp3s.
Skype under Linux
Add the skype yum repo repository but do not make it active and use only installing once for non-regular update checks.