A made a couple of installations of Fedora 12 on several laptops and had decided to find the time to make this with my working laptop as soon it looked mature enough for the production mode (provided you get install…
Huawei E1550 Install
Please refer to http://wiki.lynxworks.eu/misc/e1550#fedora. Install usb_modeswitch: sudo yum -y install usb_modeswitch
Googleearth Russian Fonts Fix
A friend of mine had a problem with incorrect display of the Russian fonts with Googleearth installed to the default location at /opt/googleearth.
Conky-colors Plus on Fedora 11
The below describes how to install Conky-colors Plus on Fedora 11. You can have a look how it generally looks like at its original web site. Prepare for the installation: cd ~/software/ sudo yum install pystatgrab statgrab-tools
[Solved] No sound in Fedora 12 (hda_generic: no PCM found), HP Compaq CQ71
A friend of mine asked me to install something on his new laptop, I chose Fedora 12 to give a try. The choice was mostly explained with my struggle with the Huawei E1550 pen drive 3g modem but this is…