After a several days of struggling with WordPress themes and plugins, we can now proudly present a renewed and optimized web site of!
Setting Up on Fedora with Apache
The stack is a wonderful application framework built on top of node.js, mongodb and Angular.JS. The installation of the whole thing is quite non-trivial, however.
Fast installing Sphinx SE on Fedora 14 Server
The installation under Virtual Box was quite tricky due to lack of requires disk space but, finally, went on OK. mkdir mysql-sphinx cd mysql-sphinx Get the source of mysql software exactly same as installed on your server, I use…
Building phantomjs on Fedora 14
PhantomJS is an headless browser based on an embedded webkit, suitable for testing of web applications involving JavaScript usage where simpler tools do not cut it.
A group of domains is possibly available for sale
The domain names are in the package are: