When porting goldendict dictionary bases from my working laptop with Fedora 14 to a EeePC with Fedora 15, I have discovered that the sound files included with several dictionaries do not play at all.
Ripping a Single Audio Stream from a File or DVD
Valid for Fedora 10.
Fixing Wrong or Different Frame Rate of a Video File and Container
The problem is seen well when you get video file information with ffmpeg:
Dependencies of ffmpeg
Once in a blue moon I decide to compile ffmeg from sources. Ffmpeg depends on (borrowed from this site): libogg libvorbis libvorbisenc libvorbisfile libamrnb libamrwb libgsm libtheora lame libtheoradec libtheoraenc libxvidcore libx264 libnut liba52 mplayer codecs at /usr/lib/codecs , /usr/local/lib/codecs…